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Topic: How to Connect Canon PIXMA MG3620 to WiFi Network?
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AuthorTopic:   How to Connect Canon PIXMA MG3620 to WiFi Network?
Registered User

posted: 9/29/2020 at 7:20:03 AM ET
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Your Canon PIXMA MG3620 allows you to connect the device to a wireless network effortlessly; there is nothing to worry about searching all over looking for a way to connect Canon PIXMA MG3620 to WiFi. Here’re the quick steps you should follow if you’re not able to do so on your own.

• Hold the WiFi button on your Canon printer until the ON light glows.
• Press the color button and then tap on the WiFi button.
• Insert the installation disc into the CD drive to install the printer driver and software to continue the wireless setup.
• Follow the on-screen prompts until the installation completed successfully message displays on the screen.
• Select the “Exit” button to finish the Canon PIXMA MG3620 wireless setup and start printing.

This all about the wireless setup!

Registered User

posted: 11/3/2020 at 9:38:54 AM ET
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Hold the Wi-Fi button on your Canon printer until the On light glows.
Press the Color button and then tap the Wi-Fi button.
Check if the Wi-Fi light glows and the On lamp remains lit.
Install the printer driver and software on your computer to continue the wireless setup.
Insert the installation disc into the CD Drive.

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