Author | Topic: Which is the Best Audit Firm in World? |
jasminealiana0 Registered User
Registered: 1/12/2021 | posted: 7/19/2021 at 4:05:26 PM ET To begin answering this question, you must understand what makes a good auditor and what makes a bad one. You see, for the past 10 or so years there has been a sort of revolution in how an audit is done and a lot of people are starting to realize that the traditional methods of auditing which required a team of people to do an audit is coming to an end. Now we have technology that allows you to do an audit internally by one person and for the most part this is done at the expense of the company that is being audited because they are able to do this better than the traditional business. So, now what is the best audit firm in the world? In my opinion it is still the New York audit services.
Now, another thing that you should keep in mind when thinking about which is the best audit firm in the world is this. You need to make sure that if you are going to go into this business that you get as much technical knowledge as possible. When it comes to audit the only way that you are going to be able to learn everything that you need to know is to actually do the audit. There is no way that you are going to be able to learn all of this without actually doing the audit.
Finally, I would like to say that you need to make sure that if you ever decide to go into this business that you get as much hands on training as possible. The people that work in this business are some of the smartest people that work in the corporate world and they are not going to simply come out and volunteer their knowledge to you. This is something that you need to make sure that you do and if you cannot then you might want to look at hiring Audit Firm in UAE. Something else to think about is to make sure that you are going to hire someone who will be willing to put in the hours that you need them and someone who will be willing to do the audit that you need them to do.
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