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Topic: Factors That Affect Your Tax Liability
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AuthorTopic:   Factors That Affect Your Tax Liability
Anonymous Poster

From Internet Network:

posted: 1/21/2021 at 7:53:45 AM ET
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Income tax is the most important issue of tax legal responsibility for the general public, and it’s decided in part by using tax brackets—the percentage of each part of your earnings that you must pay in taxes. These probabilities range depending on each filing repute and how much you earn. Check out: https://www.sitashri.com/

You'd be in the 10% tax bracket and your earnings tax liability would be $950 in case you’re single and you earned simply $9,500 in 2020. But you would be driven up into a 24% tax bracket at the part of your income that exceeds $85,525 in case you earned $ninety five,000.

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