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Topic: to Lucia
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AuthorTopic:   to Lucia
Registered User

posted: 10/9/2005 at 7:24:14 AM ET
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I am replying to your question about the notes below the staff. The staff could be extended downwards or upwards....but it would be very hard to glance at and make out the notes.....so a shortened line (ledger line) is put in instead. I hope you understand this. If not....ask again...someone may give you a link...or explain better.

Registered User

Ashley PA

posted: 10/9/2005 at 12:15:12 PM ET
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The notes below the staff lines are a continuing descending order of notes down from the bottom line which is the E. These would be D,C,B,A, and so on. These notes will merge into the bass cleff, and will continue into infinity. The same is true for notes above the staff, but in ascending order: G,A,B,C,etc. The reason for this is because all the notes required for a particular song don, always fit within the confines of the staff.

I am a fragment of my imagination

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