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Topic: Piano Benches
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AuthorTopic:   Piano Benches
Registered User

posted: 5/22/2005 at 10:13:23 PM ET
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I was wondering if anyone knew if there are hight adjustable piano benches out there? I am beginning to have some shoulder issues because I am a little on the short side. I already use a very thick book to sit on (the complete works of Shakespear), but it makes it difficult to slide up and down the piano scale when playing very high or very low parts.

Registered User

posted: 5/22/2005 at 11:43:25 PM ET
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There are piano benches as you described.

My teacher has one - it has knobs either side, turning the knobs on either side adjusts the height of the piano seat.

She has a Steinway, you could look in a store that sells pianos and look at what's available. I think she bought hers on sale or got a deal on it. It didn't come with her piano from what she told me.

Hope this helps.

Registered User

posted: 5/26/2005 at 7:07:58 PM ET
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